Public Projects

Bids due in 10 days
9/24/24 2:00pm
Waterman WTP High Lift Project
Bids due in 10 days
City of Fairfield, CA
Fairfield, CA
Bidding Closed
9/10/24 2:00pm
Waterman Pipeline Relocation Project
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
General Work Description: Relocate existing 12” water pipes and abandon existing 12” water pipes.
Bidding Closed
7/23/24 2:00pm
Cement Hill WTP New Entryway Project
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
The Suisun-Solano Water Authority (SSWA) Cement Hill Water Treatment Plant (CHWTP) New Site Entrance Project is located at the CHWTP at 1200 Manuel Campos Parkway in Fairfield, CA, and includes, but is not limited to, the following: grading and paving of the CHWTP access road and pond berm, installation of drainage and sewer utilities, and installation of a new physical access security system.
Bidding Closed
6/20/24 2:00pm
Heart of Fairfield Downtown Texas Streetscapes Improvements - Phase 1B
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
Fairfield, CA
General Work Description: The work under this contract is generally located along Texas Street between Pennsylvania Avenue and Jefferson Street in Fairfield, CA. This is Phase 1B of a larger project. The work to be performed consists, in general, of demolition of existing trees, tree wells, and pavers, and installation of new trees, irrigation, concrete paving, salvaged brick pavers, sculptures and pad foundation, relocated trash receptacles, and all other work as shown on the contract documents.
Bidding Closed
6/25/24 2:00pm
West Texas Street Utility Relocation
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
The work of the West Texas Street Utility Relocation Project is located in West Texas Street, between Beck Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue in Fairfield, California as well as Pennsylvania Avenue between West Texas Street and Broadway Street.
Bidding Closed
4/16/24 2:00pm
Allan Witt Community Park: Phase 3 All Inclusive Playground
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
Fairfield, CA
General Work Description:The work generally consists of, but not limited to the following: site demolition, clearing, grading, installation of drainage, water, sewer and electrical utilities, concrete pathways, asphalt road and parking lot, picnic areas, shade shelters, gateway entry arch, play equipment, decomposed granite pavement, ramps, prefabricated restroom building, retaining walls, fencing, landscaping, and irrigation as specified in the Contract Documents, and as directed by the City Engineer.
Bidding Closed
1/31/24 2:00pm
CDBG Lee Bell Park and Sidewalk Gap Closure Project
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
Fairfield, CA
General Work Description: The work under this contract is located in Lee Bell Park and the downtown neighborhood of Fairfield, California. The work to be performed consists, in general, the installation of new concrete sidewalks to close the gaps in sidewalk, concrete pathway, and all other works as shown on the contract documents.
Bidding Closed
1/23/24 2:00pm
HOF Downtown Texas Streetscape Improvement Project - Phase One Demolition
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
Fairfield, CA
General Work Description: The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the demolition and removal of existing pergola structures, concrete benches, brick pavers, bike racks, potted plants, and vegetation as shown on the project plans. Existing irrigation lines shall be capped below grade, and existing electrical lines shall be capped and buried below grade. Decomposed granite shall be placed to address all voids resulting from the removal of existing concrete structures.
Bidding Closed
1/16/24 2:00pm
Cadenasso Drive Pavement Reconstruction Project
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
Fairfield, CA
General Work Description: The City of Fairfield proposes a pavement preservation project on Cadenasso Drive from approximately 160’ West of Magellan Road to Beck Ave. The work will include using hot mix asphalt, ADA Ramp Upgrades, adjusting utilities to grade, and adding striping/pavement markings. Project approval also includes 2.5-inch mill and overlay with fabric for Auto Mall parkway from Laurel Creek Bridge (approximately 300’ East of Hamilton Drive) to 160’ West of Magellan Road. All work will be completed within local right-of-way.
Bidding Closed
12/20/23 2:00pm
Paradise Valley Golf Course Parking Lot ADA Improvements Project
Bidding Closed
City of Fairfield, CA
Fairfield, CA
General Work Description: The work includes, but is not limited to the demolition and removal of selected existing site concrete ramps, sidewalks that are currently out of accessibility compliance and their replacement with new ADA compliant ramps and sidewalks, accessible parking lot stall paving using asphalt concrete cold planning, AC leveling courses and overlays, new painted assessable stall striping and pavement markings along with new compliant accessible signage as shown on the plans. Work also includes furnishing and installing new concrete curbs where required, precast concrete wheel stops in the new accessible parking stalls, a new accessible path of travel from the Paradise Valley Drive driveway entrance up to the clubhouse building front entry doors, new sidewalks, accessible path guide signage, asphalt concrete overlay paving, modification of concrete curb inlet hood/top at a higher elevation.